There’s a bazillion copywriters out there. Why work with me?

  • I’m a research fanatic. I don’t like to write about a topic unless I know it well and understand exactly what I’m writing about. Same goes for the customers…I’m not going to start writing for customers I know nothing about. I have to know who I’m talking to.

  • I write for results. A lot of freelancers simply get assignments, turn in their work by the deadline, and call it a day. That used to be me. Now? I work with tight-knit teams or individuals to keep an eye on conversion rates and sales, really dig into the numbers and customer interactions, and consistently optimize.

  • I want your involvement. You know your people and your product better than I do. I want you onboard so we can work together to create the best landing pages, emails, and blogs possible. If you’re not involved, I’m not interested.

  • I’m flexible and adaptable. Routine is not my thing. It’s one of the main reasons I became a freelancer in the first place. I thrive in high-challenge environments, as long as everyone pulls their weight.

So, what can I help you with?

Whether it’s an event opt-in page, sales page, lead magnet page, or something different, I’ll work with you to create copy that gets your people in the door.

Your email list is where the magic happens. We’ll create the email sequences you need to convert optins into paying customers and keep your current customers coming back.

Finally, whether it’s to attract new customers or nurture current ones, purpose-driven content is still vital to your marketing strategy.

What I DON’T do is…

  • paid social

  • anything video-content related

  • SEO (I do have a background in on-page SEO and will follow some optimization practices, but I’m more interested in connecting with your customers than pleasing Google.)

  • anything WordPress-related (Sorry, I hate working in WordPress. If you have a WordPress site, I’ll still work with you! I just won’t build or format anything for you within WordPress.)

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When you work with me, you get a valuable team member without all the hassles of hiring an actual employee.

You’re making an investment in your startup or small business, and it will pay off when you start to see the results coming in!

I don’t make wild promises to my clients, but I CAN promise that I’m invested in your success and want to see you achieve what is important to you.